

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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655 Results
Redirecting the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement negotiations?

Redirecting the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement negotiations?

26 Jun 2013  Trade Briefs Publications
At the first summit of the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement (T-FTA) states in October 2008 in Kampala, certain decisions were adopted on how to launch and undertake the process of e...
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An analysis of the SADC Free Trade Area

An analysis of the SADC Free Trade Area

19 Jun 2013  Trade Briefs Publications
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Free Trade Agreement (FTA) has been entering into force over a period of time. It was originally set to become fully operational b...
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Deriving value from the Global Value Chain (GVC) concept: an approach to regional industrial policies

Deriving value from the Global Value Chain (GVC) concept: an approach to regional industrial policies

12 Jun 2013  Trade Reports Publications
The need for sustainable structural transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is universally accepted and has more recently been reinforced by several international organisations,...
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South Africa’s National Development Plan and its implications for regional development

South Africa’s National Development Plan and its implications for regional development

12 Jun 2013  Trade Reports Publications
In 2012/2013, the African National Congress and South African Government adopted the National Development Plan (NDP) as its launchpad and blueprint for a future economic and socioe...
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Trade and regional integration in South Africa’s National Development Plan

Trade and regional integration in South Africa’s National Development Plan

12 Jun 2013  Trade Briefs Publications
The serious observer of the South African economic policy scene cannot help but notice the multitude of official policy documents and strategies that appeared in recent years. Ther...
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The New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement: implications for South Africa

The New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement: implications for South Africa

05 Jun 2013  Trade Reports Publications
Two-way merchandise trade between New Zealand and China has increased since the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) was implemented, but this is a weak test of the FTA per se as virtually a...
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Trade negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement: a guide to general principles and requirements

Trade negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement: a guide to general principles and requirements

05 Jun 2013  Trade Reports Publications
Why do countries seek trade agreements? Despite numerous and vocal critics, virtually every World Trade Organisation (WTO) member is involved in at least one (and often numerous) F...
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Study into the cooperation of border management agencies in Zimbabwe

Study into the cooperation of border management agencies in Zimbabwe

29 May 2013  Trade Reports Publications
Zimbabwe is a landlocked developing country with a population of 14 million, sharing common borders with Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia. Zimbabwe has 14 border posts...
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China and South Africa on their way to sustainable trade relations

China and South Africa on their way to sustainable trade relations

29 May 2013  Trade Briefs Publications
Over the last decade China has become South Africa’s single biggest trading partner. In this period foreign direct investment from China in South Africa grew as well. Although So...
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A brief overview of intra-African trade in east and southern Africa: Kenya, Zambia and Uganda

A brief overview of intra-African trade in east and southern Africa: Kenya, Zambia and Uganda

22 May 2013  Trade Reports Publications
The historically low levels of intra-African trade have made Africa vulnerable to external economic shocks and have fostered a dependency on the rest of the world. As a result of t...
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Governance, trade and statehood in Africa

Governance, trade and statehood in Africa

10 Apr 2013  Trade Reports Publications
‘The main reason why Africa’s people are poor is because their leaders have made this choice.’ This is the opening sentence in a recent book about poverty in Africa and what ...
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An assessment of the Trade and Development Cooperation Agreement

An assessment of the Trade and Development Cooperation Agreement

13 Feb 2013  Trade Reports Publications
The Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement (TDCA) between South Africa and the European Union (EU) is an important trade agreement for South Africa, as it enables preferentia...
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Shall we samba? – an update

Shall we samba? – an update

23 Jan 2013  Trade Reports Publications
The world’s economic and trading environments have changed since the 2010 publication of tralac’s South Africa’s way ahead: Shall we samba? In this update to that p...
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A Perspective on Common Industrial Policies for the Member States of the Southern African Customs Union

A Perspective on Common Industrial Policies for the Member States of the Southern African Customs Union

16 Jan 2013  Trade Reports Publications
The Southern African Customs Union (SACU) is a customs union, as defined by having regional free trade behind a common external tariff (CET). This creates a common customs area cov...
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A comprehensive regional industrial policy for SADC

A comprehensive regional industrial policy for SADC

12 Dec 2012  Trade Reports Publications
At present, ongoing Southern African Development Community (SADC) initiatives are underway to construct a comprehensive Industrial Policy Framework for the region. The purpose of t...
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Special Missing Zones in South Africa’s Policy on Special Economic Zones

Special Missing Zones in South Africa’s Policy on Special Economic Zones

10 Oct 2012  Trade Briefs Publications
In November 2011, the South African Cabinet approved Special Missing Zones in South Africa’s Policy on Special Economic Zones to be published for public participation, and in Jan...
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Overview of AGOA’s apparel provisions in the context of US-Africa trade

Overview of AGOA’s apparel provisions in the context of US-Africa trade

10 Oct 2012  Trade Briefs Publications
The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) forms a part of United States trade legislation that provides non-reciprocal preferential market access to the US market for qualifyin...
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Another chapter in the SADC Tribunal saga: South African Court confirms the Tribunal’s Costs Order

Another chapter in the SADC Tribunal saga: South African Court confirms the Tribunal’s Costs Order

03 Oct 2012  Trade Reports Publications
During the final week of September 2012, the South African Supreme Court of Appeal handed down a judgment giving effect to aspects of an earlier ruling by the Southern African Deve...
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Regional integration in SADC: retreating or forging ahead?

Regional integration in SADC: retreating or forging ahead?

19 Sep 2012  Trade Reports Publications
Regional economic integration remains a viable development strategy for Africa, a continent characterised by small economies and markets. Integration of these markets can facilitat...
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What role for national planning commissions in the promotion of deeper regional integration in SADC?

What role for national planning commissions in the promotion of deeper regional integration in SADC?

19 Sep 2012  Trade Briefs Publications
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) has set itself very ambitious regional integration goals. There is now general agreement that more realistic goals and a better un...
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