

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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655 Results
Shaping a 21st Century Trade Integration Agenda for Africa

Shaping a 21st Century Trade Integration Agenda for Africa

11 Aug 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
The SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government takes place this week (17-18 August 2014). This occasion presents an important opportunity for decisive deliberations on an integra...
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The SADC Protocol on Trade in Services: What is necessary to support the establishment of an integrated market?

The SADC Protocol on Trade in Services: What is necessary to support the establishment of an integrated market?

02 Jul 2014  Trade Reports Publications
In August 2012, the Members States (MS) of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) adopted the Protocol on Trade in Services. The preamble to the Protocol provides for th...
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Ghana – trade and trade related issues

Ghana – trade and trade related issues

25 Jun 2014  Trade Reports Publications
The World Bank reports that Ghana is a medium sized country in west Africa, with a land area of around the same size as the United Kingdom or Uganda. The reported population i...
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Africa’s clothing trade – trading less amongst ourselves than with other partners?

Africa’s clothing trade – trading less amongst ourselves than with other partners?

25 Jun 2014  Trade Reports Publications
Much of the focus for African industrialisation must be on the clothing sector, as this is the classic low-tech and low-wage sector for an industrial base to assist an economy with...
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Status of the Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations between the European Union (EU) and the Eastern and Southern African (ESA) countries

Status of the Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations between the European Union (EU) and the Eastern and Southern African (ESA) countries

25 Jun 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) is a diverse Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) group including Indian Ocean islands (Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius and Seychelles), countries ...
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The Bali WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement: Implications for southern Africa

The Bali WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement: Implications for southern Africa

25 Jun 2014  Trade Reports Publications
Trade facilitation referrs to the simplification, harmonisation, standardisation and modernisation of trade procedures. It encompasses policies designed to reduce trade transaction...
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The Tripartite FTA: Background and overview of progress made in developing new harmonized Rules of Origin

The Tripartite FTA: Background and overview of progress made in developing new harmonized Rules of Origin

25 Jun 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
Rules of Origin (RoO) are instruments used to determine the real source and economic origin of traded goods. Different types of RoO however serve different objectives. Non-preferen...
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2014 SADC Summit – tralac submissions

2014 SADC Summit – tralac submissions

17 Jun 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
As the region prepares for the 2014 SADC Summit to be held in August, tralac takes note of two articles from the SADC Treaty: Article 23 of the Treaty states that SADC “shall ...
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The possible effects on the Namibian economy of the signing or non-signing of the Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Commission as on 1 October 2014

The possible effects on the Namibian economy of the signing or non-signing of the Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Commission as on 1 October 2014

12 Jun 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
The relationship between the European Commission (EC) and the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries is governed by the Agreement that was signed in Cotonou in June 20...
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Cost benefit analysis of socioeconomic implications of a possible signature or non-signature of an Economic Partnership Agreement for Namibia and some repercussions for member states of the Southern African Customs Union

Cost benefit analysis of socioeconomic implications of a possible signature or non-signature of an Economic Partnership Agreement for Namibia and some repercussions for member states of the Southern African Customs Union

12 Jun 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
The document titled The possible effects on the Namibian Economy of the signing or non-signing of the EPA with the European Commission sketched only the possible direct negative ef...
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Mozambique – Trade and trade related issues

Mozambique – Trade and trade related issues

12 Jun 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
The objective for this paper is to firstly set the background for a discussion and analysis of Mozambique and its merchandise trading background before presenting a more detailed a...
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Zambia – Trade and trade related issues

Zambia – Trade and trade related issues

12 Jun 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
Zambia is a medium sized landlocked country in East Africa. Its land area of around three quarters of a million square kilometres (similar to Turkey, Chile and Pakistan) makes...
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Industrial policy in Southern African regional integration and development

Industrial policy in Southern African regional integration and development

09 May 2014  Trade Reports Publications
This paper builds on the theme of regional industrial policy addressed in a number of recent tralac Working Papers and Trade Briefs (McCarthy 2013; Sandrey 2012 and 2013; Wool...
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Export taxes in the South African context

Export taxes in the South African context

08 May 2014  Trade Reports Publications
Export taxes are increasingly becoming a focus of attention in South African trade policy, and the objective of this paper is to review the trade and economic issues associate...
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The Consequences of Retaliation in Southern African Trade Relations

The Consequences of Retaliation in Southern African Trade Relations

05 Mar 2014  Trade Reports Publications
There are sound reasons why African Regional Economic Communities (RECs) have been designed as rules-based trade arrangements. Firstly, they have to function in terms of the GATT r...
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Revisiting export competitiveness: The World Bank’s most recent economic update for South Africa

Revisiting export competitiveness: The World Bank’s most recent economic update for South Africa

05 Mar 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
Earlier in February 2014, the World Bank’s Africa Region Poverty Reduction and Economic Management researchers presented their most recent economic update on South Africa, which ...
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A new Road to Regional Integration?

A new Road to Regional Integration?

05 Mar 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
Shifts in mega debates often occur gradually and in small steps. The extent of the adjustment will only become clear over time. Things may, however, also move in directions not ori...
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High Court of Botswana steps into void left by SADC Tribunal

High Court of Botswana steps into void left by SADC Tribunal

05 Mar 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
The suspension in 2010 of the SADC Tribunal has left a serious gap in the functioning of the Organization. The integrity and operations of SADC are affected if it is impossible for...
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Cape to Cairo: Exploring the Tripartite FTA Agenda

Cape to Cairo: Exploring the Tripartite FTA Agenda

26 Feb 2014  Books Publications
On 22 October 2008 in Kampala, Uganda, the Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the East African Commun...
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Negotiations on movement of business persons in the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite region

Negotiations on movement of business persons in the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite region

20 Feb 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
The Communiqué of the first COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Summit of Heads of State and Government held in October 2008 provides, in the area of trade, customs and economic integratio...
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