

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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655 Results
Tech Disruption in Africa: Assessing the Potential of the Digital Labour Platform Sector

Tech Disruption in Africa: Assessing the Potential of the Digital Labour Platform Sector

22 Nov 2020  Trade Briefs Publications
Digital labour platforms are applications that run on computers and smart devices and are able to facilitate new online markets for services of diverse types. These platforms disru...
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Will the AfCFTA generate NTB related Disputes?

Will the AfCFTA generate NTB related Disputes?

17 Nov 2020  Trade Briefs Publications
When private sector stakeholders are encouraged to report instances of encountering NTBs on a public monitoring platform such as tradebarriers.org, the assumption is that their com...
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Legal principles pertaining to the powers exercised by South Africa’s energy regulator (Nersa) – what we can learn from recent court cases?

Legal principles pertaining to the powers exercised by South Africa’s energy regulator (Nersa) – what we can learn from recent court cases?

15 Oct 2020  Trade Reports Publications
Services are vital for economic growth. The services sector is the most rapidly growing segment of the world economy. It adds significant value to manufacturing and agricultural pr...
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What are the Implications for UK – African Trade if the Brexit talks fail?

What are the Implications for UK – African Trade if the Brexit talks fail?

13 Oct 2020  Trade Reports Publications
On 29 March 2017, the UK Government notified the European Council that it wanted to withdraw from the European Union (EU). This happened after a referendum on 23 June 2016 in which...
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Domestic remedies in trade disputes: Administrative law principles

Domestic remedies in trade disputes: Administrative law principles

29 Sep 2020  Trade Briefs Publications
Domestic (or national) courts play an important role in the settlement of trade disputes. One of the main reasons is that the parties to the dispute are likely to be familiar with ...
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Governance under the AfCFTA: Linkages between Implementation and Gains

Governance under the AfCFTA: Linkages between Implementation and Gains

24 Aug 2020  Trade Reports Publications
There have been several studies about the extensive economic gains that will be generated by the AfCFTA, despite the fact that essential aspects (the extent and tempo of the tariff...
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How will AfCFTA State Parties manage Trade Relationships with Third Parties?

How will AfCFTA State Parties manage Trade Relationships with Third Parties?

24 Aug 2020  Trade Reports Publications
The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is anchored in legal instruments regulating the functioning of this ambitious arrangement. As the AfCFTA deal presently stands, tra...
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Trade amidst declining Trust: The Consequences for Multilateral Governance

Trade amidst declining Trust: The Consequences for Multilateral Governance

20 Aug 2020  Trade Reports Publications
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) came into being on 1 January 1995. It is the embodiment of a remarkable international development. The architecture of the WTO system confers a s...
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Access to justice and curial authority in COMESA, the EAC and ECOWAS

Access to justice and curial authority in COMESA, the EAC and ECOWAS

20 Aug 2020  Trade Reports Publications
Two recurring themes in discussions of the courts of justice of African regional economic communities (RECs) are that African states do not litigate against each other (except when...
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Completing and Implementing the AfCFTA in difficult times

Completing and Implementing the AfCFTA in difficult times

29 Jul 2020  Trade Reports Publications
Realising the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) was never going to be easy. The challenges are about agreeing on a design for integrating a large number of economies at ...
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South Africa and the United States Generalised System of Preferences Country Practice Review: What implications for preferential access to the US market?

South Africa and the United States Generalised System of Preferences Country Practice Review: What implications for preferential access to the US market?

06 Jul 2020  Trade Reports Publications
One of the early and notable achievements of the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD), established in 1964, was to conceive the Generalised System of Prefer...
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African Continental Free Trade Agreement – what can the AfCFTA add to trade liberalisation if the regional economic communities remain?

African Continental Free Trade Agreement – what can the AfCFTA add to trade liberalisation if the regional economic communities remain?

25 Jun 2020  Trade Briefs Publications
In 2018, only 15 per cent of Africa’s exports were intra-Africa, of which most were exports among African countries which are members of the same regional economic communities (R...
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The United States-Kenya Free Trade Area (FTA): insights into the bilateral trade relationship and early progress on setting terms for an FTA

The United States-Kenya Free Trade Area (FTA): insights into the bilateral trade relationship and early progress on setting terms for an FTA

17 Jun 2020  Trade Reports Publications
On 6 February 2020, US President Donald Trump announced the United States’ intention to initiate negotiations with Kenya on a bilateral Free Trade Area (FTA). This followed a mee...
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Trade in the Digital Economy: a tralac collection

Trade in the Digital Economy: a tralac collection

01 Jun 2020
At any given moment, international trade is being transacted across Africa. The supermarket buyer emails the supplier she met at a recent trade show to place a sample order. The ca...
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COVID-19: Trade and related measures and responses in Africa

COVID-19: Trade and related measures and responses in Africa

25 May 2020  Trade Briefs Publications
Most, if not all, African governments have implemented several trade-related responses and measures during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The aims of the measures are to faci...
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South Africa’s redesignation as a ‘developed country’ in United States trade remedies legislation and investigations: possible impacts and consequences

South Africa’s redesignation as a ‘developed country’ in United States trade remedies legislation and investigations: possible impacts and consequences

18 May 2020  Trade Reports Publications
In recent weeks and months, numerous media headlines and associated articles have focused on the United States-South Africa trade relationship, some going as far as proclaiming tha...
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IMF Emergency Funding in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic

IMF Emergency Funding in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic

14 May 2020  Trade Briefs Publications
The COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic is an unprecedented crisis facing the world and the global economy. Its social, welfare, health and economic consequences have been...
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Governance in abnormal times – dealing with COVID-19: A regional perspective from South Africa

Governance in abnormal times – dealing with COVID-19: A regional perspective from South Africa

13 May 2020  Trade Reports Publications
It is too early to know the full impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This virus arrived unexpectedly, has spread across the globe in a short time, and is disrupting national health se...
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Monitoring Regional Integration Yearbook 2019/20: Agriculture and food security in Africa

Monitoring Regional Integration Yearbook 2019/20: Agriculture and food security in Africa

30 Apr 2020  Books Publications
If there is one thing which the current Covid-19 pandemic has done, it is to highlight the issue of food insecurity on the African continent and illustrate the interdependence of f...
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The South African Post Office (SAPO) versus PostNet – a setback for e-commerce in South Africa

The South African Post Office (SAPO) versus PostNet – a setback for e-commerce in South Africa

16 Apr 2020  Trade Briefs Publications
The Independent Communication Authority of South Africa’s Complaints and Compliance Committee (CCC) found on 26 September 2019 that retail and courier service provider, PostNet S...
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