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Appeals announced by China in rare earths dispute and by US in products from China dispute


Appeals announced by China in rare earths dispute and by US in products from China dispute

China announced to the WTO Secretariat on 17 April 2014 its decision to appeal certain issues of law and legal interpretation in the panel report in the case “China – Measures related to the exportation of Rare Earths, Tungsten and Molybdenum” (WT/DS431). The panel report was appealed by the United States in a notification dated 8 April 2014.

The WTO Secretariat also received on 17 April 2014 a communication by the United States notifying its decision toappeal to the Appellate Body certain issues of law covered in the panel report in the case “United States – Countervailing and Anti-Dumping Measures on Certain Products from China” (WT/DS449/R) and certain legal interpretations developed by the panel in this dispute. The panel report was appealed by China on 8 April 2014.

Further information is available in documents WT/DS449/7 and WT/DS431/10.

Parties to a dispute can appeal a panel’s ruling. Appeals have to be based on points of law, such as legal interpretation – they cannot re-open factual findings made by the panel. Each appeal is heard by three members of a permanent seven-member Appellate Body comprising persons of recognized authority and unaffiliated with any government. The Appellate Body membership broadly represents the geographic range of WTO membership, with each member appointed for a fixed term. Generally, the Appellate Body has up to 3 months to conclude its report.


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