

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

Joint press release of the United Nations, the African Union and the European Union at the 5th AU-EU Summit in Abidjan


Joint press release of the United Nations, the African Union and the European Union at the 5th AU-EU Summit in Abidjan

Joint press release of the United Nations, the African Union and the European Union at the 5th AU-EU Summit in Abidjan
Photo credit: 5th AU-EU Summit

Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire

The United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the High Representative/Vice President Federica Mogherini met this morning [29 November 2017] in the margins of the African Union-European Union Summit to discuss concrete steps to address jointly the dramatic situation of migrants and refugees victims of criminal networks, in particular inside Libya.

They agreed to put in place a joint EU-AU-UN Task Force to save and protect lives of migrants and refugees along the routes and in particular inside Libya, accelerating the assisted voluntary returns to countries of origin, and the resettlement of those in need of international protection. This action will build on, expand and accelerate the ongoing work done by countries of origin, and the IOM, with EU funding, which allowed so far the voluntary return to their countries of origin of 13 000 migrants since January.

The work of the Task Force will be closely coordinated with the Libyan authorities and be part of the overall joint work that the African Union and the European Union, and the United Nations, will intensify to dismantle traffickers and criminal networks, and to offer opportunities of development and stability to countries of origin and transit, tackling root causes of migration.

The United Nations, the African Union and the European Union agreed to upgrade in a systematic manner their trilateral cooperation and to meet on a regular basis at the highest political level, notably in the margins of the UN General Assembly.

UN chief spotlights importance of AU-EU strategic partnership

Regional, global solidarity must guide collective aim to build peace, dignity, prosperity for all

The importance of regional organizations grows with every decade that passes as they are essential to face the difficult challenges that threaten the world, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said Wednesday at the African Union-European Union Summit in Côte d’Ivoire.

“A strong and effective EU and a strong and effective AU are essential pillars of global cooperation for peace and security, development and human rights,” Mr. Guterres told the two organizations’ fifth summit held in the capital, Abidjan. “We must continue to make progress on all simultaneously.”

Welcoming the AU-EU strategic partnership, the Secretary-General expressed the UN’s commitment to support the efforts of these organizations and described how such cooperation takes place in Africa.

Three obvious examples of the importance of trilateral cooperation between the AU, the EU and the UN, are seen in Somalia, the Central African Republic and the Sahel.

“It is exactly ten years since the joint Africa-European Union strategy was adopted and the time has come to strengthen the links between the two continents,” Mr. Guterres said, noting that the two regions can enhance their cooperation in tackling some challenges facing migrants.

“When migration is done in an orderly and regulated way, migrants contribute positively to host countries and countries of origin. We will not put an end to the tragedies in the Mediterranean if we do not create significant opportunities for legal migration,” he said.

These two conditions are essential to effectively combat traffickers and smugglers of migrants.

First is to change the relationship with Africa and establish a new platform of cooperation that recognizes the enormous potential of this continent, and second is to increase joint efforts in conflict prevention and mediation.

Mr. Guterres argued that it is time to provide the appropriate means to regional organizations, including clear and strong mandates, accompanied by an evaluation mechanism and an adequate and predictable funding system.

For instance, the AU and the UN, with EU support, can help the G5-Sahel countries – Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger – deal with transnational threats and terrorism.

“We need a force with a mandate that lives up to these threats and sustainable funding,” he said, urging the Security Council to be ambitious in its choice on this issue.

Turning to sustainable and inclusive development in Africa, the UN chief stressed the importance of investing in youth and women’s empowerment.

Following are UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ remarks at the opening of the fifth African Union-European Union Summit, in Abidjan on 29 November:

C’est pour moi un grand plaisir de me retrouver parmi vous pour saluer le partenariat stratégique entre vos deux organisations, un partenariat qui m’est très cher.

En effet, en tant que Premier Ministre du Portugal et Président du Conseil européen, j’ai eu l’honneur de co-présider avec le Président Bouteflika le premier sommet Afrique-Union européenne en 2000. La Déclaration du Caire a jeté les bases du travail conjoint qui se poursuit aujourd’hui.

Je salue l’attention portée à la jeunesse, notamment la recherche d’un développement durable, inclusif et créateur d’emplois pour les jeunes.

Les jeunes sont le moteur de nos sociétés et nous devons les écouter. Il nous faut les mettre au cœur de nos plans de développement, nationaux et internationaux. Répondre à leurs aspirations est essentiel dans une perspective de développement ; mais c’est aussi un élément essentiel pour préserver la paix et notre sécurité collective.

Nous devons changer la relation à l’Afrique et établir une nouvelle plateforme de coopération qui reconnaisse le potentiel énorme de ce continent.

C’est dans cet esprit que j’ai signé, avec Son Excellence Moussa Faki Mahamat, un Accord-cadre pour renforcer notre partenariat de paix et de sécurité et un autre accord sur le développement durable qui va suivre l’année prochaine.

Pour atteindre ces objectifs, nous devons accroître nos efforts conjoints en matière de prévention et de médiation. Mais nous avons aussi besoin d’une coopération accrue pour le déploiement de forces africaines capables d’imposer la paix et de combattre le terrorisme, avec un mandat fort du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.

Il est temps de fournir les moyens appropriés aux organisations régionales, y compris par des mandats clairs et solides, accompagnés d’un mécanisme d’évaluation et d’un système de financement adéquat et prévisible.

L’Union européenne d’ailleurs apporte un soutien politique et financier substantiel, ainsi qu’une expertise et un savoir-faire qui sont des atouts considérables à notre effort collectif.

Dans cet esprit, l’Union africaine et les Nations Unies, avec l’appui de l’Union européenne, peuvent aider le G5-Sahel à faire face aux menaces transnationales et au terrorisme.

Nous avons besoin d’une force dotée d’un mandat à la hauteur de ces menaces et d’un financement pérenne.

C’est pour cela que j’ai invité le Conseil de sécurité à faire preuve d’ambition dans le choix qu’il doit faire sur ce dossier.

L’exemple de l’AMISOM ou les actions conjointes en République centrafricaine sont, avec le G5 Sahel, trois exemples évidents de l’importance de la coopération trilatérale entre l’Union africaine, l’Union européenne et les Nations Unies.

Sustainable and inclusive development is an end in itself. But, lack of development and inclusive government, including poverty, inequality and exclusion, are factors in creating conflict and driving terrorism and violent extremism. Climate change is also an existential threat for some and a multiplier of threats for all. Climate action is the absolute priority of our times. Implementation of the Paris Agreement is a must. National Governments must lead our response, but multilateral cooperation and capacity-building are crucial.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the African Union’s Agenda 2063 are ambitious and mutually reinforcing blueprints for a world of peace, prosperity and dignity for all. A strong and effective [European Union] and a strong and effective [African Union] are essential pillars of global cooperation for peace and security, development and human rights.

In this context, gender equality and women’s empowerment are fundamental. The [European Union] and the [United Nations] recently launched the Spotlight Initiative, an effort to eliminate the global scourge of violence against women. I look forward to working with African Governments to strengthen action on laws and policies, institutions, prevention and services for survivors.

Les récentes images atroces de migrants vendus en Libye nous rappellent l’urgence d’agir. Les migrations présentent des défis, mais aussi des opportunités en matière de développement, de promotion d’un travail décent et d’une collaboration renforcée.

Tous les pays ont le droit et l’obligation de gérer leurs frontières de manière responsable et souveraine. Mais ils doivent le faire dans le plein respect du droit international relatif aux réfugiés, et des droits humains des réfugiés et des migrants.

Quand les migrations se font de manière ordonnée et régulière, les migrants contribuent de manière positive aux pays hôtes et aux pays d’origine. Nous ne mettrons pas fin aux tragédies en Méditerranée si nous ne créons pas d’opportunités significatives de migration légale.

Il faut aussi que les politiques de coopération pour le développement contribuent à offrir aux gens le choix de trouver un avenir digne chez eux. Ces deux conditions sont essentielles pour combattre effectivement les trafiquants et les passeurs, les criminels les plus horribles de notre temps.

Regional organizations are essential to facing the very difficult challenges that threaten us. Those who drafted the United Nations Charter showed great wisdom and prescience when they devoted Chapter 8 to the role of regional cooperation. The importance of regional organizations grows with every decade that passes. Regional and global solidarity must be our guide as we draw on our collective efforts to build a life of peace, dignity and prosperity for all.


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