

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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655 Results
South African Trade Policy: What can it achieve given supply-side stumbling blocks?

South African Trade Policy: What can it achieve given supply-side stumbling blocks?

18 Feb 2015  Trade Briefs Publications
Trade policy refers to the calculated use of interventionist measures at a country’s border to allocate resources to more productive use. The intention is to change the economy...
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Assessing the implementation of the East African Community Common Market: A preliminary scoping study

Assessing the implementation of the East African Community Common Market: A preliminary scoping study

11 Feb 2015  Trade Reports Publications
Five years have now elapsed since the Heads of State of the five East African Community (EAC) partner states (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda) signed the Protocol on th...
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Rules of origin – looking outside the box

Rules of origin – looking outside the box

11 Feb 2015  Trade Reports Publications
There is an almost universal agreement that the rules of origin (ROO), as designed mainly to stop trade deflection or ‘imports sneaking through the back door’ in preferential t...
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Market Access in Africa: A review of existing tariff structures and the road to a Continental Free Trade Area

Market Access in Africa: A review of existing tariff structures and the road to a Continental Free Trade Area

04 Feb 2015  Trade Reports Publications
Regional integration remains a prominent policy objective for Africa. Its emphasis at continental level was confirmed by the decision of the members of the African Union to establi...
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Burundi: a perspective on the Tripartite Free Trade Area negotiations

Burundi: a perspective on the Tripartite Free Trade Area negotiations

28 Jan 2015  Trade Reports Publications
The objective of this paper is to firstly set the background for a discussion and analysis of Burundi and its merchandise trading background before presenting a more detailed analy...
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Trade Agreements as Part of the Law of the Land: The Example of SACU and Namibia

Trade Agreements as Part of the Law of the Land: The Example of SACU and Namibia

28 Jan 2015  Trade Reports Publications
The Constitution of the Republic of Namibia contains in Article 144 a provision which purports to make international agreements part of the national law. It reads: Unless otherwis...
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India – travelling under the radar?

India – travelling under the radar?

21 Jan 2015  Trade Reports Publications
Recent tralac research has shown that since 2001 Africa’s overall trade with the old friends (the United States and the European Union in particular) has dramatically declined wh...
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The New Protocol for the SADC Tribunal: Jurisdictional Changes and Implications for SADC Community Law

The New Protocol for the SADC Tribunal: Jurisdictional Changes and Implications for SADC Community Law

21 Jan 2015  Trade Reports Publications
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) will get a new Tribunal. This will happen because the Summit of SADC Heads of State and Government so decided. SADC has been witho...
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Review of trade-related developments in 2014

Review of trade-related developments in 2014

21 Jan 2015  Trade Briefs Publications
In some respects the end of 2014 brought some light to a quiet year on the trade front. This Trade Brief reviews some of the trade-related developments of the past year at the glob...
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African integration: an analytical approach

African integration: an analytical approach

10 Dec 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
tralac has recently capitalised upon the pre-release version 9.2 of the GTAP database, and the recent excellent data sets from the World Bank and others publishing quality data on ...
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The SADC Model Bilateral Investment Treaty Template: Towards a new standard of investor protection in southern Africa

The SADC Model Bilateral Investment Treaty Template: Towards a new standard of investor protection in southern Africa

10 Dec 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
Trade and investment are the two fundamental pillars of international economic relations. Almost all international trade flows are governed either by bilateral or regional trade ag...
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The legal framework and state of play of Economic Partnership Agreements between the EU and African regions

The legal framework and state of play of Economic Partnership Agreements between the EU and African regions

29 Oct 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
The Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) between the European Union (EU) and respective African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) countries are regional agreements aimed at prom...
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SACU after ten years: taking stock and looking ahead

SACU after ten years: taking stock and looking ahead

17 Sep 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
The new Southern African Customs Union (SACU) Agreement entered into force on 15 July 2014. Where does the Organization stand ten years later? Have the original expectations come t...
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SADC Summit’s emphasis on industrial development: implications on practical policy formulation

SADC Summit’s emphasis on industrial development: implications on practical policy formulation

03 Sep 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
The curtain came down at the 34th Annual Summit of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) with special emphasis on the importance of beneficiation of exports. The Summit...
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Ethiopia: trade and trade-related issues

Ethiopia: trade and trade-related issues

03 Sep 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
The objective of this paper is to firstly set the background for a discussion and analysis of Ethiopia and its merchandise trading background before presenting a more detailed anal...
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The services sector in Africa

The services sector in Africa

03 Sep 2014  Trade Reports Publications
Services are playing an increasingly important role in the modern economy, but while economists and policy makers focus on trade in merchandise goods they tend to spend significant...
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Legal and institutional aspects of the SADC Economic Partnership Agreement

Legal and institutional aspects of the SADC Economic Partnership Agreement

27 Aug 2014  Trade Reports Publications
It has taken ten years to negotiate the SADC Economic Partnership Agreement (SADC EPA). Negotiators of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) parties initialled the text...
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The African trade profile for manufactured goods

The African trade profile for manufactured goods

27 Aug 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
Much has been written about two aspects of African trade. These are (a) the role that manufacturing products play (or do not play) in this trade and (b) the extent to which this ma...
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The African trading relationship: new, old and good friends

The African trading relationship: new, old and good friends

20 Aug 2014  Trade Briefs Publications
This paper undertakes an examination of recent African trade patterns with respect to Africa’s ‘new’ friends, namely Brazil, Russia, India and China (the BRIC countries as a ...
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Nigeria: trade and trade-related issues

Nigeria: trade and trade-related issues

20 Aug 2014  Trade Reports Publications
The objective of this paper is to provide information on Nigeria and its merchandise trading profile and regime. Nigeria is a middle-income country with a Gross Domestic Product (G...
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