

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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655 Results
Sustainable Development Goals within an African context

Sustainable Development Goals within an African context

26 Sep 2017  Trade Reports Publications
On 25 September 2015, the United Nations adopted a set of goals focused on ending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity for all as vital components of a new sustai...
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Has the Brexit Process entered a new Phase?

Has the Brexit Process entered a new Phase?

26 Sep 2017  Trade Briefs Publications
The British Prime Minister has delivered two major speeches this year on how her government wants to negotiate its exit from the European Union (EU) and what the post-Brexit deal s...
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The role of applied import duties on intermediate goods in industrial development: the case of South African clothing

The role of applied import duties on intermediate goods in industrial development: the case of South African clothing

26 Sep 2017  Trade Briefs Publications
The South African clothing sector has been under significant pressure in recent years as it attempts to become internationally competitive. This Trade Brief looks at how import tar...
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Trade in second-hand clothes: the bigger picture

Trade in second-hand clothes: the bigger picture

10 Aug 2017  Trade Briefs Publications
In the past few months, trade in second-hand clothes has led to much debate on the African continent. Second-hand clothes are being sent to Africa, either having been donated for c...
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The final Trade Remedy Arrangement of the Tripartite Free Trade Area

The final Trade Remedy Arrangement of the Tripartite Free Trade Area

10 Aug 2017  Trade Briefs Publications
The Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) Agreement provides for interim as well as final Trade Remedies (TR) provisions. This was necessary because the Annex and the Guidelines o...
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Prospects for Kenyan Industrialisation

Prospects for Kenyan Industrialisation

02 Aug 2017  Trade Reports Publications
Today, many developing countries seek to emulate the industrialisation path followed by the industrialised nations of the world (the economies of Western Europe, the USA and Japan)...
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Foreign Direct Investment policy and governance in the Southern African Development Community

Foreign Direct Investment policy and governance in the Southern African Development Community

13 Jul 2017  Trade Briefs Publications
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) was established to achieve, among other objectives, development and economic growth and poverty alleviation through regional integ...
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SACU after the June 2017 Summit: Is the Organization heading the right Way?

SACU after the June 2017 Summit: Is the Organization heading the right Way?

05 Jul 2017  Trade Briefs Publications
In many ways, the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) is an unsung success story. SACU is technically a customs union for trade in goods, and has been notified as such to th...
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Monitoring Regional Integration in Southern Africa Yearbook 2015/2016

Monitoring Regional Integration in Southern Africa Yearbook 2015/2016

03 Jul 2017  Books Publications
Regional integration continues to enjoy strong political support in Africa. But the winds of change blowing in the global economy are being felt on the continent too. It is clear t...
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The new South African Border Management Authority

The new South African Border Management Authority

29 Jun 2017  Trade Briefs Publications
The South African Parliament is about to adopt the new Border Management Authority Act. This Act has to address longstanding concerns in Government about border security in So...
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The South African poultry sector – trade, consumption, production and inputs

The South African poultry sector – trade, consumption, production and inputs

28 Jun 2017  Trade Briefs Publications
Poultry consumption accounted for 60% of total animal protein consumption in South Africa in 2016, dwarfing the total consumption of pork, beef and veal and sheep. South Africa con...
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EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with East and Southern Africa (ESA) – Implications for Zimbabwe

EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with East and Southern Africa (ESA) – Implications for Zimbabwe

28 Jun 2017  Trade Briefs Publications
The European Union has been negotiating the World Trade Organisation (WTO)-compatible Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group of ...
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Intellectual property governance in Africa

Intellectual property governance in Africa

22 Jun 2017  Trade Reports Publications
Intellectual property (IP) matters – which generally cover patents, copyrights and related matters, industrial designs, trademarks, geographical indications (GIs), utility models...
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US trade policy under President Trump and its implications for Africa

US trade policy under President Trump and its implications for Africa

22 Jun 2017  Trade Briefs Publications
President Donald Trump was elected on a platform that emphasized bringing jobs back to the United States (US) that had been lost to foreign competition. A recent report from the Of...
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Kenyan manufacturing trade: an insight into Kenya’s regional and international trade

Kenyan manufacturing trade: an insight into Kenya’s regional and international trade

22 Jun 2017  Trade Briefs Publications
According to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI), Kenya is the 107th largest export economy. However, it suffers from a chronic negative trade balance as a result of overreliance o...
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The significance of the United States’ withdrawal from the Paris Agreement

The significance of the United States’ withdrawal from the Paris Agreement

07 Jun 2017  Trade Briefs Publications
The Paris Agreement is an international deal between 195 participating countries to gradually decrease greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions directly linked to climate change. It aspires ...
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The Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) policies of the African Regional Economic Communities, and the way forward for the CFTA

The Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) policies of the African Regional Economic Communities, and the way forward for the CFTA

07 Jun 2017  Trade Briefs Publications
tralac, with the support of the Development Assistance section of the German Government through the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), recently completed a comparison of ...
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Import Controls in Zimbabwe: Statutory Instrument 64 of 2016 and more

Import Controls in Zimbabwe: Statutory Instrument 64 of 2016 and more

01 Jun 2017  Trade Briefs Publications
Industrial policy initiatives are very much on the agenda at both national and regional levels in Africa. The debate, however, about what an industrial policy is and what it should...
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An assessment of Kenya’s international competitiveness

An assessment of Kenya’s international competitiveness

01 Jun 2017  Trade Reports Publications
Competitiveness is defined as the set of institutions, policies, and factors that determine the level of productivity of a country. The level of productivity, in tur...
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Development of Information and Communication Technology Sector: Policy and Regulatory Frameworks as Enablers of Economic Growth

Development of Information and Communication Technology Sector: Policy and Regulatory Frameworks as Enablers of Economic Growth

24 May 2017  Trade Reports Publications
Since 2000, the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector in both Kenya and Rwanda has witnessed exponential growth and development, outperforming most other sectors o...
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